Brad, William from Eastern Trophies, and I went to Burke Lake the day after the beer tie for musky… of course it rained an insane amount.
No luck fishing, but it was good to fish with someone who is manic for a species, and I learned quite a bit.
We threw 10wt lines all day, with a mix between fast & intermediate sinking lines, and floating lines specifically for pike/musky.
Richard Farino
Urban Angler VA | 108 N. Washington Street 2nd Floor | Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 527-2524 | fax: (703) 527-3313 |
From: [] On Behalf Of Matt S.
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 5:28 PM
Subject: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: GREAT BEER (WHISKEY) TIE EVERYONE - HERE'S TO THE FIFTH YEAR!!!!!
That's cool. Sadly for me it will have to suffice as I DID NOT MAKE IT. Hopefully there will be future whiskeys at future ties... Thanks to all of you for making these happen; I've met nice folks and learned good stuff from them .
As an aside, winning one of Brad Bohen's ginormous musky flies at the March Beer Tie inspired me to acquire a 10 weight setup and so I'm dreaming big. A biologist at VDGIF yesterday assured me that some recent Department efforts to net them confirmed big musky still lurk in the waters of Burke Lake, low water, low success rates and high pressure notwithstanding.
On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 1:38:55 PM UTC-4, Rob Snowhite wrote:
Here is the time lapse from last night. If you've ever wanted to watch Gene eat, this is your chance. Maybe a better position next time.
On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 8:37:31 AM UTC-4, Dan Davala - Founder/President wrote:A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who made it out last night to celebrate with us at the TPFR 4-year anniversary/birthday party/BEER TIE. We had a head count of 80+ in attendance, and we cleared a little over $700 for the club which will go a very long way. Thank you to everyone who donated, participated in the raffle, bought hats or stickers, or raised a glass of Whiskey for the cause. Thank you to Rob Snowhite for teaching some awesome Shad Flies at the beginner's table. Thank you to Neale Walker for pouring the spirits, and thank you to Heidi Bensen from Number 1 Sons pickles for bringing some awesome samples to go with the whiskey, and for donating a healthy dose of pickles to the raffle.
If you participated in the Whiskey tasting, please take a moment to provide some feedback on this thread. It was only the first of many, but since it was the first there were a few hitches we'll sort out by the next one for sure. Also, feel free to suggest future whiskey offerings you'd like to see represented.
Thanks again to everyone for the incredible fourth year - here's to the fifth!
Dan Davala
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