Thursday, March 13, 2025

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Sinking Lines for Shad and Other Fish


Make sure you view the recording for ShadFest on the Friends of Fletchers site.  Also have a look at my blog on the subject of shad fishing.

Here is the url:

The Occoquan under the pedestrian bridge is a great spot for shad fishing.  I use a sink top there of 250 grams.

Good luck!  Gregg Rockett

On Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 7:15:37 AM UTC+8 Andrew D wrote:
Hey everyone,

So seeing that the first shad was caught on the Potomac made me catch the bug to finally go out and pursue this fish for the first time. But I could totally use some help on the line situation.

I currently have a floating WF floating line for my 7wt rod, which I typically use for bass. Looking on the various discussion boards, it seems like some sort of sink tip in the 250gr neighborhood with an intermediate running line is the name of the game. Ideally whatever line I get would be multi-purpose for bass in lakes and such too - I don't want to get the "perfect" shad line if it's going to be largely useless elsewhere.

I was considering these, but could use other suggestions too:

I have an inflatable paddleboard, and was planning on primarily fishing from that on the Occoquan for shad.

Considering this is a decently big purchase for me, I wanted to run it by the hivemind first to make sure I'm not going in the wrong direction.


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