So, I had tried hitting Gravelly Point in the fall several times in the past few years for the schoolie bite, and always came up short. Finally hit it right this past week.
Thanks to all of you who offered advice and tips on this fishery over the years - I think I've asked Dan Davala, Rob Snowhite, Remick, Trent, the Orvis Arlington folks, & District Angling about this at various points over the years - every bit of it came into play.
Here's what I'll pass on for those (like me) who haven't had success in the past:
- tide was moving out before I even got there, and I still flailed at nothing for a solid 90 mins before the light dropped enough and fish moved in/turned on.
- you will know when it's on. The outflow area doesn't normally have a lot of surface activity - you will see splashes when the fish are there.
- Half & half with a bright clouser trailer was the deal - most hit the trailer.
- intermediate sink worked, but they weren't super deep, so a floating line with a sinking leader probably would suffice.
- most hits were just as the fly was starting to swing.

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