Sunday, July 17, 2022

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: TPFR Trip to Rappahannock River!

Thanks Vo for organizing this! Great to meet you, William, Owen and special guest Jared.
Sorry, I booked when that weather starting looking "iffy." I hope the evening bite was on fire 🤣
Thanks again!
PS- gotta go back to Red Dragon when they've got the hand-pump working. Warm, flat beer is my jam!

On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 12:33 AM JayCee <> wrote:
Howdy All,

Thanks for letting me crash your party. What a nice surprise to meet you all there. I'll see if I can hit up one of the local events this summer.


On Saturday, July 16, 2022 at 12:27:50 PM UTC-4 TinyTrout wrote:
Are we fishing at 2pm or eating tacos and beer at 2pm?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 14, 2022, at 17:15, vladimir polivanov <> wrote:

We'll see how conditions are shaping up by tomorrow afternoon. And make a decision wether the trip is still on or need to reschedule.


On Thu, Jul 14, 2022, 4:39 PM DJ <> wrote:
It's high chocolate milk right now, City Docks were closed yesterday.  It's 3.47 at the city guage which is still high.

On Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 8:55:37 AM UTC-4 wrote:
Vo/all- you weren't kidding about water rising rapidly. The last spike (yesterday morning) discharge went from 900 cfs to 9000 in about 2 hours. That's nuts. Gauge height rose 3'.
Still, looks to be shaping up pretty well already. Does anybody have a "go/no go" turbidity number for this water? I use 50 as a top limit (still very brown) on other water. Current is 225 and looks to be "clear" by mid-late tomorrow judging from the last spike. No rain in the forecast.
Thanks for organizing, Vo. Did you ever get up to Erie?
-Bill Widdoes

On Monday, July 11, 2022 at 4:27:30 PM UTC-4 Vo wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: vladimir polivanov <>
Date: Tue, Jun 14, 2022, 12:56 PM
Subject: TPFR Trip to Rappahannock River!
To: <>

Come join TRFR on the Rappahannock River for a casual day of fishing.

When:     Saturday July16th   2:00 pm 

Where:    Red Dragon Brewery 

Address: 1419 Princess Anne St, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

We will meet at Red Dragon Brewery for a beer and some tacos (there should be a taco truck at the Red Dragon on Saturday 16th in the afternoon )Then head out to Rappahannock River to fish the area between the route 1 bridge and I95 bridge. The primary game fish species in this stretch of the Rappahannock is smallmouth bass, additionally there are largemouth bass, snakehead, carp, catfish, and panfish. 

A few things about wading :  First of all parts of the river bottom in this stretch of the Rappahannock are rocky, steep sloping and deep. Highly recommend wearing cleated wading shoes and having a wading  staff. Since it will be literally the middle of summer. You may want to wet wade, in just a pair of shorts instead of using a pair waders. So if you fall in, is it to easer to recover.  Also if there is heavy precipitation in the area or upstream in the watershed. The river could rise to a dangerous level quickly. Bottom line is wading can be potentially dangerous. So at your own risk. 

A few suggestions for flies : Woolly Buggers, Clouser Minnows, CK Baitfish, Kreelex, Clawdad, Poppers, Gurglers any other bait fish or  crayfish imitations.  This by no means is a comprehensive list. 

A few other things you may want to have with you : Headlamp, First Aid Kit , change of dry clothes in your car. 

If there is a high amount of precipitation in the days or week before the trip. In river level is high and/or high turbidity level. This trip may wind up being rescheduled. If that happens future date TBA. 

For more information about Rappahannock River see the VA site.

Look forward to seeing you all there!

Vladimir (  Vo )

TPFR member

This gathering will follow the same guidelines for covid-19 health and safety practices as used in the past.  Please use your best judgment for your personal safety and that of others.  If you are ill, or suspect you might be, please rest up at home.

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