Sunday, December 29, 2024


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Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Glue recommendations

A very late, post-Christmas thank you to everyone who responded.  I appreciate your thoughts and will try a couple out to see what I works best for me.

On Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 8:31:30 PM UTC-5 Jim C wrote:
I use Solarez Ultra Thin for just about everything. Not having many brain cells to spare, I stay away from the noxious fumes of fingernail products when I can.
Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 13, 2024, at 2:29 PM, namfos <> wrote:

UV adhesives are expensive. For most fly heads Sally Hansen Hard As Nails nail polish will do the trick. Thin out the fibers of the brush in the bottle so you can avoid slopping too much polish around. It's easier to apply with a smaller brush. Plus you can thin it with acetone (which is what nail polish thinner is).


On Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 6:09:41 PM UTC-5 HermanyorFlorida wrote:
Hello All,
I tied some streamers a few uh... months ago at the Tie One On event in Leesburg, VA. I didn't get any glue for finishing the heads, so I haven't fished them at all. Looking for recommendations on a glue to do this and also to cover up the nick in the shell on one of my floating lines.


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Saturday, December 14, 2024

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic

+1 for HAN- For very small heads, use a toothpick or an old bodkin (or other pin) to apply.

On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 5:14 AM <> wrote:
namfos <>: Dec 13 11:29AM -0800

UV adhesives are expensive. For most fly heads Sally Hansen Hard As Nails
nail polish will do the trick. Thin out the fibers of the brush in the
bottle so you can avoid slopping too much polish around. It's easier to
apply with a smaller brush. Plus you can thin it with acetone (which is
what nail polish thinner is).
On Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 6:09:41 PM UTC-5 HermanyorFlorida wrote:
David Vazquez <>: Dec 13 02:11PM -0800

I picked up some of this stuff a couple of years ago. It's a little smelly,
but picky bonefish and carp don't seem to mind. It's a fraction of what the
fly shops charge and the stuff seems to be about the same. A little tacky
when it dries, so hit it with some hand sanitizer and a q-tip. w_hmHI-79tIt62MbITJBWCM_BBiAbG9L23EEyu9WXz7it-I2YimCz4bcCkdqmqvI.aR1GIXIjiN4sO3JyJehI2KNIqIDlq1rdeD1yl5s7SCU&dib_tag=se&keywords=uv+glue+fly+tying&qid=1734127759&sprefix=uv+glue+fly+tying%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
On Friday, December 13, 2024 at 2:29:12 PM UTC-5 namfos wrote:
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Friday, December 13, 2024

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Glue recommendations

I picked up some of this stuff a couple of years ago. It's a little smelly, but picky bonefish and carp don't seem to mind. It's a fraction of what the fly shops charge and the stuff seems to be about the same. A little tacky when it dries, so hit it with some hand sanitizer and a q-tip.

On Friday, December 13, 2024 at 2:29:12 PM UTC-5 namfos wrote:
UV adhesives are expensive. For most fly heads Sally Hansen Hard As Nails nail polish will do the trick. Thin out the fibers of the brush in the bottle so you can avoid slopping too much polish around. It's easier to apply with a smaller brush. Plus you can thin it with acetone (which is what nail polish thinner is).


On Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 6:09:41 PM UTC-5 HermanyorFlorida wrote:
Hello All,
I tied some streamers a few uh... months ago at the Tie One On event in Leesburg, VA. I didn't get any glue for finishing the heads, so I haven't fished them at all. Looking for recommendations on a glue to do this and also to cover up the nick in the shell on one of my floating lines.


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Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Glue recommendations

I use Solarez Ultra Thin for just about everything. Not having many brain cells to spare, I stay away from the noxious fumes of fingernail products when I can.
Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 13, 2024, at 2:29 PM, namfos <> wrote:

UV adhesives are expensive. For most fly heads Sally Hansen Hard As Nails nail polish will do the trick. Thin out the fibers of the brush in the bottle so you can avoid slopping too much polish around. It's easier to apply with a smaller brush. Plus you can thin it with acetone (which is what nail polish thinner is).


On Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 6:09:41 PM UTC-5 HermanyorFlorida wrote:
Hello All,
I tied some streamers a few uh... months ago at the Tie One On event in Leesburg, VA. I didn't get any glue for finishing the heads, so I haven't fished them at all. Looking for recommendations on a glue to do this and also to cover up the nick in the shell on one of my floating lines.


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{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Glue recommendations

UV adhesives are expensive. For most fly heads Sally Hansen Hard As Nails nail polish will do the trick. Thin out the fibers of the brush in the bottle so you can avoid slopping too much polish around. It's easier to apply with a smaller brush. Plus you can thin it with acetone (which is what nail polish thinner is).


On Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 6:09:41 PM UTC-5 HermanyorFlorida wrote:
Hello All,
I tied some streamers a few uh... months ago at the Tie One On event in Leesburg, VA. I didn't get any glue for finishing the heads, so I haven't fished them at all. Looking for recommendations on a glue to do this and also to cover up the nick in the shell on one of my floating lines.


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Thursday, December 12, 2024

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Glue recommendations

Hello All,
I tied some streamers a few uh... months ago at the Tie One On event in Leesburg, VA. I didn't get any glue for finishing the heads, so I haven't fished them at all. Looking for recommendations on a glue to do this and also to cover up the nick in the shell on one of my floating lines.


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Monday, December 9, 2024


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喜欢一位哲人的一句话:"当你抱怨生活太难时,请记住,有些人比你活得还不易。你拥有过的痛苦,全世界很多人都拥有过。你没有拥有过的更加深刻的痛苦,这个世界上也早就有人拥有过。"人呐,没有谁活得比谁更容易。 ​​​​
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Saturday, December 7, 2024

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Everglades this week....

Despite the weather (cold front) on Monday, we managed to get this nice 10-15lb tarpon to take a fly in Everglades National Park (Flamingo).  I was using my lightweight 6wt, and we got several good jumps before bringing him to net.  Other 2 days we caught huge numbers of peacock bass in the freshwater canals between Miami and Naples. Capt. Jason Sullivan was our guide.


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Monday, December 2, 2024

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} BEER TIE - Monday, 09 Dec - HOLIDAY PARTY & GEAR RAFFLE

The Monday following Casting Church, Monday 9 December, will be our monthly Beer-Tie meeting at the Colony Grill in Clarendon (Arlington). This will be our Holiday Party.  We will have gear raffles.  Look for announcements on Facebook and Instagram.

The event, as usual, is open to everyone who is curious and who would like to attend.  Please invite your friends.

Festivities begin at 7pm.

Board meeting at 6:30pm for TPFR board members.


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{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} NO CASTING for DEC

Note that there will not be a Casting Church on Sunday, Dec 8 (the second Sunday of the month). We are taking the month off.

BUT, note that there will be a BEER TIE on Mon, Dec 9 (holiday party and gear raffle).


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Sunday, December 1, 2024


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桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。之子于归,宜其室家。 桃之夭夭,有蕡其实。之子于归,宜其家室。 桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁。之子于归,宜其家人。
摽有梅,其实七兮。求我庶士,迨其吉兮。 摽有梅,其实三兮。求我庶士,迨其今兮。 摽有梅,顷筐塈之。求我庶士,迨其谓之。
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Tuesday, November 26, 2024


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几夏京城住,今朝独远归。修行四分律,护净七条衣。 溪寺黄橙熟,沙田紫芋肥。九龙潭上路,同去客应稀。
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Sunday, November 17, 2024

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: North Branch Potomac (Wild Rainbows)

If you post your questions on the Potomac Patuxent TU forum you're likely to get some helpful responses from very knowledgeable fly anglers. 

On Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 1:46:54 PM UTC-4 wrote:

Over the past 4 years I have tried to get out and fish on the North Branch of the Potomac (below the dam) multiple times per year.  I have heard varying reports as to whether the river holds truly wild rainbows.  I understand that both MD/WV stock rainbows in the river as well as fingerlings.  However, based on conversations with guides in the area, the population of natural, wild rainbows in the system has increased significantly over the past few years.  Based on the hundreds of rainbows (both stocked and wild) I have caught out of the system over the past ~4 years, it has become fairly easy for me to distinguish between the wild, fresh stockers, and holdover rainbows (i.e. please see below for a picture of a wild rainbow that was caught this July).  


I wanted to see if anybody else has had a similar experience in catching more wild rainbows over the past few years in the North Branch (specifically between Barnum and the confluence with the lower savage).


Also, wanted to see if anybody has had any luck catching any of the giant browns in the system.  I have dedicated full days of floating miles of the system (Barnum - Rawlings) searching for that one big fish.  Over the past ~1.5 years I have pulled out a ~21.5 and ~23 inch brown (these fish were caught approximately 15 minutes apart) and about 6 fish in the ~18.5 - 20 inch range.  With the exception of 1 of these larger browns, they have all come on enormous articulated streamers between December - March.  Wanted to know if other anglers dedicate significant time on this river specifically targeting the giant browns that inhabit this river.  I often wonder what the biggest brown in the system is (I'm thinking ~27 inches), and also curious if anybody has every done a float on the North Branch using mice patterns.  


Also, posting a few pics including a 23 inch brown (North Branch) 17.5 inch brown (lower savage), and possibly the state record fall fish (wish I weighed it), humble brag!  

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Friday, November 15, 2024

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: North Branch Potomac (Wild Rainbows)

Good god I haven't fished there in so long! Yea, I remember you could get some of the big ones on hopper-dropper type rigs on floats when I went but it was always a chancy thing and you really only had one or two good shots at one.

On Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 1:50:24 PM UTC-4 wrote:
On Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 1:46:54 PM UTC-4 wrote:

Over the past 4 years I have tried to get out and fish on the North Branch of the Potomac (below the dam) multiple times per year.  I have heard varying reports as to whether the river holds truly wild rainbows.  I understand that both MD/WV stock rainbows in the river as well as fingerlings.  However, based on conversations with guides in the area, the population of natural, wild rainbows in the system has increased significantly over the past few years.  Based on the hundreds of rainbows (both stocked and wild) I have caught out of the system over the past ~4 years, it has become fairly easy for me to distinguish between the wild, fresh stockers, and holdover rainbows (i.e. please see below for a picture of a wild rainbow that was caught this July).  


I wanted to see if anybody else has had a similar experience in catching more wild rainbows over the past few years in the North Branch (specifically between Barnum and the confluence with the lower savage).


Also, wanted to see if anybody has had any luck catching any of the giant browns in the system.  I have dedicated full days of floating miles of the system (Barnum - Rawlings) searching for that one big fish.  Over the past ~1.5 years I have pulled out a ~21.5 and ~23 inch brown (these fish were caught approximately 15 minutes apart) and about 6 fish in the ~18.5 - 20 inch range.  With the exception of 1 of these larger browns, they have all come on enormous articulated streamers between December - March.  Wanted to know if other anglers dedicate significant time on this river specifically targeting the giant browns that inhabit this river.  I often wonder what the biggest brown in the system is (I'm thinking ~27 inches), and also curious if anybody has every done a float on the North Branch using mice patterns.  


Also, posting a few pics including a 23 inch brown (North Branch) 17.5 inch brown (lower savage), and possibly the state record fall fish (wish I weighed it), humble brag!  

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Wednesday, November 13, 2024

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{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Chesapeake striper charter...

Check out Rock On Charters ( Scott Barmby is very fly fishing friendly.

On Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 10:13:17 AM UTC-5 peter odell wrote:
Looking for a day charter for 4 or even 6 people to fly fish for some fall stripers - ideal would.  I used to fish with Captain Russ in St Michaels, but he retired and moved away, we had several days of topwater "frenzy" action with bait, birds and fish.

Weekdays or weekends possible.  Closer the leave point to alexandria, the more preferred...

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{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Chesapeake striper charter...

Looking for a day charter for 4 or even 6 people to fly fish for some fall stripers - ideal would.  I used to fish with Captain Russ in St Michaels, but he retired and moved away, we had several days of topwater "frenzy" action with bait, birds and fish.

Weekdays or weekends possible.  Closer the leave point to alexandria, the more preferred...

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Tuesday, November 12, 2024,先邀您参与金卡新户活动,本月尊贵福利已更新(AD)

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Monday, November 11, 2024

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} BEER TIE - Monday, 11 November

Thanks, Rob!

For our intermediate and advanced tiers, Brian Bennett of Vice Fishing Co. will be tying the Marsh Bug. See earlier message for the materials list and more details. 


On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 3:55:32 PM UTC-5 Rob Snowhite wrote:
We will tie nymphs for winter fishing at the learning table. A short shopping list if you want to bring your own tools and materials instead of using mine: 

Hooks sizes 10-14
Beads beads 
6/0 thread 
Pheasant tail 
Medium wire black 
Dubbing in any color 
Dubbing tool 
Medium rubber legs 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 2, 2024, at 4:29 PM, Regan Burmeister <> wrote:

The Monday following Casting Church, Monday 11 November, will be our monthly Beer-Tie meeting at the Colony Grill in Clarendon (Arlington).

Come on out and meet your fellow anglers, bring your fly tying material and your fly tying questions.
We will have information on planned trips for the year as well.

The event, as usual, is open to everyone who is curious and who would like to attend.

Bring your fish stories.

Festivities begin at 7pm.

Board meeting at 6:30pm for TPFR board members.


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Sunday, November 10, 2024

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} BEER TIE - Monday, 11 November

We will tie nymphs for winter fishing at the learning table. A short shopping list if you want to bring your own tools and materials instead of using mine: 

Hooks sizes 10-14
Beads beads 
6/0 thread 
Pheasant tail 
Medium wire black 
Dubbing in any color 
Dubbing tool 
Medium rubber legs 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 2, 2024, at 4:29 PM, Regan Burmeister <> wrote:

The Monday following Casting Church, Monday 11 November, will be our monthly Beer-Tie meeting at the Colony Grill in Clarendon (Arlington).

Come on out and meet your fellow anglers, bring your fly tying material and your fly tying questions.
We will have information on planned trips for the year as well.

The event, as usual, is open to everyone who is curious and who would like to attend.

Bring your fish stories.

Festivities begin at 7pm.

Board meeting at 6:30pm for TPFR board members.


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Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Drone for the Everglades...?

The DJI drone family always had good quality - you can probably find a reasonably priced previous generation for sale.

Your biggest barrier to use will be the software, since most now have the no-fly-zones GPS programmed. I think the DJIs are all like that. Now assuming you beat that, you can probably get away with using it in Biscayne National Park. I've never seen NPS anywhere around there, and FWC is more interested in controlling all the drunk people on the sandbars than looking out for drones. 

Staying completely legal, you don't have a ton of options, and you may be limited more by driving distance depending on where you're staying. The flats in Biscayne Bay are almost exclusively NPS territory. Everglades park boundary runs along the gulf side of the keys, but mostly with +/-1 mile buffer from land, until roughly Long Key. So until that point, you're limited to ocean side flats or the near-shore gulf side flats. Further south, you're fine anywhere. You can go north of ENP into some of the canals for peacock bass, too. Another option is the gulf park boundary isn't terribly far from Flamingo, and it's stone crab season, which means just outside of the park boundaries, you can find tripletail on the stone crab trap buoys. So weather dependent, you could always ask the guide to run to the traps, but to me, that's a bit of a waste if you only have one day booked.

On Sun, Nov 10, 2024 at 10:49 AM peter odell <> wrote:
I should have thought about the Park rules, so this trip is out for drone footage - thanks for the quick feedback.

How about other places with more relaxed rules?  anyone shot any good footage or have a recommendation for a drone that would work?

On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 10:09:26 AM UTC-5 Jeffrey Silvan wrote:
Drones aren't allowed in any national park without written permission, which NPS will not give to individuals. I fish Everglades National Park all the time, and they actually enforce this heavily there. Most drones' software also won't allow a takeoff in national park zones due to these regulations, either. Last, even if you want to risk it, check with your guide whether he'll even look the other way while you fly it - his permit to guide in the park will be on the line, too.

On Sun, Nov 10, 2024 at 8:56 AM peter odell <> wrote:
I'm going down to Flamingo to fish for tarpon, snook and redfish early december (guided).

I'm looking for an inexpensive drone that can go up 50 feet, video the landing of some of the fish and then come right back down without a lot of driving. (waterproof/floating likely an asset as well).  my fishing buddy and I are typically trading off, so one of could launch the drone at hookup.

Has anyone done this?  I've seen the results on a few of the youtube channels, but I'm hesitant to go out and buy without some good advice.....

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Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Drone for the Everglades...?

I should have thought about the Park rules, so this trip is out for drone footage - thanks for the quick feedback.

How about other places with more relaxed rules?  anyone shot any good footage or have a recommendation for a drone that would work?

On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 10:09:26 AM UTC-5 Jeffrey Silvan wrote:
Drones aren't allowed in any national park without written permission, which NPS will not give to individuals. I fish Everglades National Park all the time, and they actually enforce this heavily there. Most drones' software also won't allow a takeoff in national park zones due to these regulations, either. Last, even if you want to risk it, check with your guide whether he'll even look the other way while you fly it - his permit to guide in the park will be on the line, too.

On Sun, Nov 10, 2024 at 8:56 AM peter odell <> wrote:
I'm going down to Flamingo to fish for tarpon, snook and redfish early december (guided).

I'm looking for an inexpensive drone that can go up 50 feet, video the landing of some of the fish and then come right back down without a lot of driving. (waterproof/floating likely an asset as well).  my fishing buddy and I are typically trading off, so one of could launch the drone at hookup.

Has anyone done this?  I've seen the results on a few of the youtube channels, but I'm hesitant to go out and buy without some good advice.....

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Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Drone for the Everglades...?

Drones aren't allowed in any national park without written permission, which NPS will not give to individuals. I fish Everglades National Park all the time, and they actually enforce this heavily there. Most drones' software also won't allow a takeoff in national park zones due to these regulations, either. Last, even if you want to risk it, check with your guide whether he'll even look the other way while you fly it - his permit to guide in the park will be on the line, too.

On Sun, Nov 10, 2024 at 8:56 AM peter odell <> wrote:
I'm going down to Flamingo to fish for tarpon, snook and redfish early december (guided).

I'm looking for an inexpensive drone that can go up 50 feet, video the landing of some of the fish and then come right back down without a lot of driving. (waterproof/floating likely an asset as well).  my fishing buddy and I are typically trading off, so one of could launch the drone at hookup.

Has anyone done this?  I've seen the results on a few of the youtube channels, but I'm hesitant to go out and buy without some good advice.....

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Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Drone for the Everglades...?

May, I suggest checking the national park rules if you plan to be within the boundaries of Everglades National Park?


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{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Drone for the Everglades...?

I'm going down to Flamingo to fish for tarpon, snook and redfish early december (guided).

I'm looking for an inexpensive drone that can go up 50 feet, video the landing of some of the fish and then come right back down without a lot of driving. (waterproof/floating likely an asset as well).  my fishing buddy and I are typically trading off, so one of could launch the drone at hookup.

Has anyone done this?  I've seen the results on a few of the youtube channels, but I'm hesitant to go out and buy without some good advice.....

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